Ethereum: how to change RPC port for bitcoind? (rpcport=xxx in bitcoin.conf does not work)

Changing the RPC Port for a Bitcoin Node on Testnet

As you may have noticed, changing the RPC (Remote Procedure Call) port on a testnet Bitcoin node can be quite a challenge. In this article, we will walk you through the steps to update the RPC port on your testnet Bitcoin node.

Ethereum: How to change RPC port for bitcoind? (rpcport=xxx in bitcoin.conf doesn't work)

Step 1: Support the Default RPC Port

First, let’s understand why the default RPC port (18332) is not working for you. The rpcport option in Bitcoin.conf is used to specify the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) port. When you use rpcport=18332 with Bitcoin on a testnet node, it expects this port to be available and listening.

Step 2: Check if the test network node is online

Before making any changes, make sure that your test network bitcoin node is online and running correctly.

Step 3: Update the RPC port in ~/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf.

As you have already done, update the rpcport option in your .bitcoin/bitcoin.conf file to specify a different port. In this example:


Restart the Bitcoind service after making this change.

Step 4: Verify the new RPC port

After restarting the Bitcoind service, verify that the RPC port is working by attempting an RPC call using the command line interface (CLI) or a third-party tool such asbitcoin-qt. You can use the following command:

bitcoin-cli getbalance -addr -rpcport 19832

Replace with your testnet wallet address.

If everything is set up correctly, the expected balance will appear on your screen. If not, check the RPC port and try restarting Bitcoind if necessary.

Troubleshooting Tips

  • Make sure Bitcoind is running in testnet mode using the --testnet flag.
  • Make sure the testnet wallet address is correct and valid.
  • If you are having trouble connecting to the RPC server, check your network connection and make sure the testnet node is online.


Changing the RPC port for Bitcoin on a testnet node requires a basic understanding of how Bitcoin works. By following these steps and troubleshooting instructions, you should be able to update the RPC port on your testnet Bitcoin node and connect to the remote procedure call server.

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