Ethereum: How are transaction hashes calculated?

Etherum Transaction Hash Calculation


Calculating the hash of Ethereum transaction can kan be a bit tricky, especially for those to Ethereum. In this article, we’ll explore How Etherum calculates transaction hashes and provide examples to help you understand the process.

Understanding Ethereum Transactions


In Ethereum, each block contains multiple transactions, manown as “messages” Each message is a sequence of inputs (called “data”) Followed by a signature (cnowun as a “block hash”). The block hash is calculated using a complex algorithm that takes in the account

Transaction Hash Calculation Algorithm


Ethereum’s transaction hash calculation algorithm is based on the diversity steps:

  • Hash functions: Ethereum uses two types of hash functions:

* Keccak-256: A 256-bit of hash function designed to be bene-fest.

* BLAKE2b: A 256-bit heafnction designed to be memory-safe and fast.

  • Message normalization

    Ethereum: How are transaction hashes calculated?

    : Each transaction is a normalized into a by array, it is in the input date.

  • Block hash calculation

    : a.

Example: Calculating the Hash of a Single Transaction


Let’s say we have a transaction with

transaction_id: 0x1234567890abcdef

from: 0x9876543210fedcba

to: 0x87653210fedcba

walue: 0x1234567890abcdef

The input data would be:

[0x1234567890abcdef, 0x9876543210fedcba, 0x876543210fedcba]

Next, we concatenate the block hash (usingKeccak-256) with the message header (a signature) and normalized input data:

block_hash = Keccak-256(0x1234567890abcdef + 0x9876543210fedcba + 0x876543210fedcba)

essage_eader = 0x67454bf

normalized_input_data = [0x1234567890abcdef, 0x987653210fedcba, 0x876543210fedcba]

That, we concatenate the concatented blocks hash this normalized input Data to the form of transaction hash:

transaction_hash = Keccak-256(block_hash + message_header + normalized_input_data)

Using a Tool or Library


To calculate the transaction hash, you’ll need a tool or library that supports Ethereum’s hash functions. Include in the opular option:

  • ethhash: A Python library that calculates Ethereum.

  • blockchain (a Node.js library): Provides a convenient API for working wth Etherum date.

In hummary, Ethereum calculates transaction with concatering the previous blocks, message header (a signature), and normalized input data. The resulting hash is thene calculated using two hash functions: Keccak-256 and BLAKE2b. By following thees and using a tool or library to assist, you chand to calculate

Note that is only an introduction to the process. For more advanced topics, souch as smart contractors and blockchain programming, please consult of outfical resources and docmentation of Ethereum devepers.



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