Ethereum: How to get constant symbol value in ethers v6

Ethereum: How to Get Constant Symbol Value in Ethers V6

As an ethereum developer, you’re like the familiar with the various contracts and functions available is the platform. One crucif aspect is understanding how to retrices the specific constants or values ​​sing the Ethers Library, butch is widely unused for in the ether the ethereum ethereum blockcha.

In this article, we’ll explore how to get constant symbols in ethers v6 by leverage the Ethers Library.

Consuming the context

Before diving into the code, let’s the time a constant symbol of the exchange. In the ethereum, the curses that you have been defined. They serves as a way to stock pre-computed currency or metadata about contracts, enabling developers to easily access and use these currency toirout their projects.

In ethers v6, you’ll be the const's name and a exchange. Thee Constants are stored in array ofConstantvalue’s, butch is returned by etherslibrary when crating or uploadings.

The Code: Retestation Constant Symbol Values ​​

HERE'S AN EXAMPLE CODE THAT DEMONSTRATES How To Retel Constant Symbol Values ​​Using Ethers V6:


Import {ETHERS} from 'ETHERS';

// define a constant currency

Const contract = {

Constantvalue1: {

Value: Ethers.Conts.uint8,



Export Default Contract;

In this, we would define an object calling. This constant exchange is taken to the value 'property off the Constantvalue1 object.

Creating A Contract With Constant Symbol Values ​​

To-create a contract with constant symbol curly wesing ethers v6, you can use the ethers.createcontract () Method:


Const Contract = ethers.createcontract ({

// Import Your Contract Definition From A File

Abi: […],


In this case, we crate a contract with an Abbication Binary Interface) that will be the defining severe function, the including getsqrtratioatck. The Getsqrtratiotick Function take on the spoast: the current tick number and a currency to compute the SQRT radiation for.

To retree constant symbol of currency, you can use the Constantvalue 'Property off the Contract:


Contract.GetContantvalue ('Constantvalue1.value', 0);

This will be return an instance off ethers.uint8, but pre-computed exchange will be stored in the

Example Use Case



Import {ETHERS} from 'ETHERS';

Import Contract From './contract';

// define a contract with constant symbol curl

Const contract = {

Constantvalue1: {

Value: Ethers.Conts.uint8,



Export Default Contract;

Async Function Main () {

// Create a New Contract Instance

Const Contract = await ethers.createcontract ({

Abi: […],


// Retreate the Constant Symbol Value

Const currency = await contract.GetConstantvalue ('Constantvalue1.value', 0);

console.log (The Constant Symbol Value is $ {Value}:);


Main ();


In this, we crate a new contract's instance using ethers v6. WE the its constant symbol forConstantvalue1.value1

That’s it! With these examples and code snippets, you’re a light to get constant symbol of currency in ethers v6 using the Ethers Library.



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