Ethereum: Get historical data from binance

Ethereum Historical Data Extraction From Binance Api

As a developer of Ethereum, you are probly familiar with the imports of histric data for analysis and trading. Howver, extracting is accurated from the exernal bees soach as bienance can a challenge to varius limitations.

The problem: limited time interval

You have an encountered a problem in what code receives only 3 elements despitebout 700 reports 700 records between [Current_Time] and [Current_Time]. This discrepanza derives the fact, the hisstorical dates on Binance generally has a much longer interval of time what is requeding.

Because it happens

There are several reasons it can happen:


    : Binance bees has speed limits, it is the prevent requests to avoid ther servers.

20 ime interval.

  • inconsistenties of the data format : hisistorial data can be archived in different formats or stractures, maching it dificult to xtractor.


To overcome these challenges, consister the diluting solutions:

Ethereum: Get historical data from binance

1. Check the limits of the API rathe

Make of the not to exceed Binance’s API Tasso limits. You can do it by checking their docmentation and monitoring the count of the requests uses tools as [Tasso Limit Checker] (


Import requists

Max_requests = 1000

Current_Time = Dattime.Now ( )

While it is true:


Response = Requests.get (' params = {'Symbol': 'et', 'interval': '1D', 'start': int (courent_time_time .Tumestamp ()) - 86400, 'Count': 70})

If reply.status_code == 200:


Except the Exception as E:

PRINT (F "Error: {e}")

2. Use the function of historical data of Binance

Binance offrs a function of hisistorial data, that allows the Data for any perood of time, inclinging long-term intervals in so [Current_Time - 2 2 yers]. Howver, that function may not be bea available or Maya additional authentication.


Import requists

Set API of credentials and outer parameters

api_key = 'Your_api_key'

Api_secret = 'Your_api_secre'

symbol = 'eth'

interval = '1D'

Start_date = (datetime.Now () -datetime.timedelta (fays = 730)). Strftime ('%Y-%-%D')

end_date = (datetime.Now () -datetime.timedelta (days = 365)). Strftime ('%Y-%-%D')

Reply = requests.get (f'https: /// (symbol, interval, end) ',

Auth = (Api_Key, Api_Secret), Headers = {'Limit': 100})

If reply.status_code == 200:

PRINT (Reply.json ())

3. Use a library or framework

Consider the consisting of bookstores such as [Pandas-dareader] ( (for python 3.x) or [yfinance] (https:/ or (for Pythonon 2.x), it is more complete and flexible extraction capacity.


It matters Panda as PD

Pd.set_option ('Display.max_Columns', none)

symbol = 'eth'

Start_date = datetime.Now () -Timedelta (days = 730) .strftime ('%y-%m-%d')

end_date = (datetime.Now () -datetime.timedelta (days = 365)). Strftime ('%Y-%-%D')

DF = PD.Read_csv (f'https: // {symbol} -historical-data.csv? Start = {Start_date} & end_date} ')

Press (DF.HEAD (70))

prints the first 70 reports


By implementing these solutions, you should be able to extract is yourstorical data, that meets your needs.



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