Bitcoin: What are the default timelocks in Lightning implementations today? How are they negotiated on channel opening?

Understanding Bitcoin Default Time Blocks for Lightning Introduction

The lightning network, which is a decentralized and fast settlement network set up above the Bitcoin Protocol, has developed significantly since its inception. One of the main aspects of lightning is the use of Timelocks to ensure safe and reliable communication between channel counterparties. In this article, we will go into the Lightning during the default default today and explore how they are negotiated at the time of opening the channel.

Two Timelocks Channel Opening

Bitcoin has two fundamental weather conditions that regulate the installation of a new channel: self -employment (BOLT5) and CSV (compressed sequential peak) for the relative Timelock. These Timeloki ensure that both parties of the channel agreement agree on the main time, such as the time when the channel is opened or closed.

Self -free Timelock

Self -employed Timelock is the introduction of Bolt5 that provides an additional layer of security and efficiency. It works by setting the delay between the expected channel opening time and its actual opening time. This delay ensures that the other party has enough time to check the channel contract before the transaction continues.

CSV Relative Timelock

CSV Relative Timelock is another Bolt5 introduction used in lightning implementation. It provides a more flexible time detection mechanism, allowing negotiations on the delay of the parties. CSV Relative Timelock uses compressed peak sequence (SVO) to represent the delay. This allows you to control the time of the main events more accurately.

Talks during the opening of the channel

During the opening of the channel, there are talks between two lightning colleagues on self -confidence and CSV relative Timelok. The conversation process usually involves the following:

Initial message : The first message sent by one side (sender) to start the channel opening process.

  • Self -employment request : The sender sends a self -confidence request to the receiver, indicating the expected delay and the associated time stamp.

CSV Relative Timelock Answer : The receiver responds with his CSV relative Timelock, which may differ from the sender’s request. This answer allows negotiations on the delay in the parties.

  • Test : Both parties check each other’s answers to ensure that the time of the negotiations is correct.


Nowadays, lightning in the introduction of self -confidence and CSV relative time plays a crucial role in ensuring safe and reliable communication between channel colleagues. In negotiations on these time stocks during the opening of the channel, the parties may guarantee that both parties will comply with the agreement. Understanding how these weather works is essential for creating and maintaining efficient lightning networks.

Additional resources

For more information on the Bolt5 Timelocks Lightning Introduction, please see [Lightning Network Specification] ( In addition, you can explore resources such as [Bitcoin Lightning Network Documentation] ( and [open source Bitcoin introduction] ( To get Details of Timelocks itself Bitcoin.

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