Ethereum: What the difference between old segwit (3) and new segwit address (bc)?

I would like to help you with an article on Ethereum Segwit improvements. Here is:

Ethereum: What is the difference between the old segwita and the new Segwit (BC) address?

Ethereum has undergone significant changes over the years, including two main SEGWIT updates. Understanding these differences can help you navigate in the latest development of the Ethereum blockchain.

Old Segwit (3)

In 2016, Ethereum introduced Segwit (a shortcut for a “segregated witness”), a new protocol to improve network scalability and reduce transaction fees. Segwit introduced a new type of address called
BC1 addresses , which are used to identify individual transactions on the blockchaine ethereum.

New address segwit (b)

In 2020, Ethereum carried out another significant upgrade:
New Segwit (B) Protocol. This change has introduced a new type of address named
BC2 , which are similar to BC1 but use another script and syntax.

What is the difference between the old segwita and the new Segwit address?

The main differences between the old segwit and the new Segwit address are:

* Syntax addresses

: Old Segwit uses “3” as part of the address while the new Segwit address uses “B”.

* Using a script : The new Segwit address uses a different script and syntax that can affect the behavior of certain intelligent contracts.

* FEES for transactions

Ethereum: What the difference between old segwit (3) and new segwit address (bc)?

: In some cases, transactions made with new addresses (BC2) may cause lower transaction fees compared to old addresses (3).

* Compatibility : The new protocol is still compatible with existing applications that use BC1 addresses.

Are the same for transactions the same for the new segwit (BC1)?

The short answer is: no. Transaction fees are not always the same for the old Segwit (3) and the new Segwit (B) address. While some transactions may incur lower fees, others may incur the same or even higher fees depending on the particular case.


Understanding the differences between the old segwita and the new Segwit address can help you navigate in the latest development of the Ethereum blockchain. Although there may be small differences in transaction fees, it is necessary to ensure that your applications are compatible with both protocols. If you are not sure which protocol is to be used for a particular application, please contact the official Ethereum documentation or contact an experienced developer or community member.

I hope this article will help!



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